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Welcome to Career Impact Lab


About Us

Career Impact Lab is on a mission of helping young people transit successfully from school to work by upskilling and equipping them with employability and entrepreneurship skills…

Why Choose CIL?


Career Impact Lab Delivers a multitude of benefits to ignite your professional journey. Benefit from personalized guidance, cutting-edge resources, and a collaborative environment, unlocking your full potential for meaningful impact in the ever-changing professional landscape.

Job Readiness Programs to Support Transitions

Our institution offers job readiness programs that facilitate the successful transition of students and graduates into gainful employment opportunities...

Business Launch Support

Our commitment is to help aspiring entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful ventures. From ideation to execution including crafting business plans, we offer comprehensive assistance at every stage 

Access to Resources and Tools

Career Impact Lab offers exclusive access to a diverse range of career and entrepreneurial resources, providing valuable insights, ideas, and tools to fuel your journey...

Resume/interview Preparation

We are dedicated to helping you present yourself effectively and confidently in the job market. We provide personalized guidance, including resume optimization...

Skill Assessments to Discover Skill Gaps

Career Impact Lab offers comprehensive digital skill assessments to help individuals evaluate and address their skill gaps and position on the...

Career Clarity Sessions

If you are feeling stuck or uncertain about your career path, our Career Clarity sessions will help you find the right career. Through personalized one-on-one coaching sessions, we will help you identify your innate strengths

Our Approach


Employability Workshops

Enhancing job skills through interactive and practical employability workshops

Employability Workshops

Enhancing job skills through interactive and practical employability workshops.

Business Incubator

Nurturing ideas, fostering growth, and unlocking entrepreneurial potential

Business Incubator

Nurturing ideas, fostering growth, and unlocking entrepreneurial potential


Empowering employability and business growth though transformative leadership fellowship


Empowering employability and business growth though transformative leadership fellowship

Career Clarity Sessions

Finding purpose and direction in your professional journey

Career Clarity Sessions

Finding purpose and direction in your professional journey

Career Academy

Upskilling for career advancement and professional development

Career Academy

Upskilling for career advancement and professional development
Click Here

Psychometric Testing

Accurate psychometric testing for insightful self-awareness and decision-making

Psychometric Testing

Accurate psychometric testing for insightful self-awareness and informed decision-making
Click Here

Our Courses



What our Graduates Say

Success Stories